Mark of Royalty by

At a time when infants are marked at birth, a royal advisor secrets away an infant girl to save her life.  The woman he give the infant to Miranda agrees to raise the girl as her own.  Mirands tries to pair her daughter Sarah with the Kings Nephew, which would only be fit for her she truly is.  Although Sarah as little regard for the Kings Nephew to please her mother she tries to like him.  She meets another man who she finds much more appealing but Sarah, wanting to please her mother after her mother dies tries to find the good in the Kings Nephew.  Her mark is found and things change forever.  This book was amazing, I don't normally like anything to do with fantasy and Kings and princesses are truly fantasy to me.  I promise that after you read this book  you will be pondering the characters and the twists and turns that finish this story into such an amazing read.  I would personally love this book to become a movie I think it would be amazing.  I read this book in August 2011 and gave this book 5 Stars.


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